Set sail on a 36-hour La Gomera yacht charter with Club Canary aboard the luxurious Superphantom 80. Depart from Tenerife and explore the charming San Sebastian de La Gomera. Spend your night lulled by the ocean aboard our yacht, or opt for a local hotel stay. Enjoy meals onboard with a well-equipped kitchen from November to April, or dine at local restaurants outside these months. For more yacht options, scroll down or click the tabs. Book your exclusive luxury yacht rental La Gomera today!
La Gomera Luxury Boat Charter: What’s Included
Experience the ultimate in luxury and customization with our La Gomera luxury boat charter. Here’s what your private yacht charter includes:
- Unlimited Drinks: Enjoy a selection of water, soft drinks, beer, wine, and cava.
- Culinary Delights: Food upgrades are available to enhance your dining experience.
- Entertainment: Stream your favorite tunes through our Bluetooth-connected music system.
- Scenic Views: Take in the breathtaking ocean and coastline vistas.
Customizable Itinerary: Tailor your trip to suit your preferences. - Water Toys: Dive into fun with paddleboards and snorkel sets.
- Water Sports: Ask about upgrading to include exciting water sports.
- Experienced Crew: Our multilingual crew and skilled captain are dedicated to providing top-notch service.
- VIP Options: Request VIP services for an even more luxurious experience.
- Relaxation Zones: Sunbathe on the front deck or unwind in comfortable seating on the flybridge.
- Adventure Opportunities: Snorkel in secluded bays and explore underwater wonders.
- Accommodation Choices: Choose to sleep aboard the yacht or in a selected hotel in La Gomera for those who prefer it.
After booking your private yacht charter La Gomera, we will send you a questionnaire to specify any special requests, from dietary preferences to special bottles of wine, ensuring a personalized yacht vacation from Tenerife to La Gomera. Book now and set sail on a voyage tailored just for you!
Prenájom jachty na La Gomera: Pravidlá a podmienky
Poveternostné podmienky
Tento zážitok závisí od priaznivého počasia. V prípade zrušenia z dôvodu nebezpečných poveternostných podmienok vám bude ponúknutý náhradný termín alebo vrátenie peňazí v plnej výške. Rozhodnutia týkajúce sa počasia je oprávnený prijímať len kapitán jachty.
Zrušenie a zmena termínu
- Svoju cestu môžete bezplatne zrušiť alebo presunúť na iný termín až 8 dní vopred. Pošlite nám e-mail na adresu s vašou žiadosťou.
- Ak zrušíte rezerváciu menej ako 8 dní pred odletom, dostanete späť 40%.
- V prípade zrušenia rezervácie v čase od 24 do 96 hodín pred odletom vám bude vrátená suma 25%.
- Ak zrušíte pobyt do 24 hodín pred odchodom, peniaze sa vám nevrátia. Tieto pravidlá platia aj v prípade, že ochoriete alebo chcete cestu predčasne ukončiť. V závislosti od okolností je však náš jachtársky tím ochotný prediskutovať vašu situáciu a prípadne nájsť riešenie.
Špeciálne požiadavky
V prípade akýchkoľvek špeciálnych preferencií týkajúcich sa stravovania alebo v prípade záujmu o predĺžený prenájom jachty nás neváhajte kontaktovať.
Bezpečnosť a zodpovednosť
Nájomca berie na vedomie, že používanie súkromnej jachty a akéhokoľvek water toys na palube je výlučne na jeho vlastné riziko. Majiteľ jachty, jeho zástupcovia, kapitán a posádka nenesú zodpovednosť za akékoľvek škody, straty, nehody alebo zranenia vrátane úmrtia, ku ktorým môže dôjsť.
Vodné športy
Aktivity ako jazda na vodných skútroch, flyboarding alebo jazda na banáne sa síce dajú zorganizovať počas cesty, ale vyžadujú si dodatočné náklady a zložité opatrenia. Vo všeobecnosti ich neodporúčame, ak chcete zažiť bezproblémový zážitok.
Explore La Gomera in Style: Luxury Yacht Charter from Tenerife
Embark on an unforgettable La Gomera yacht charter aboard the Superphantom 80, the epitome of luxury at sea. Departing from Puerto Colon in Tenerife at 10:00 AM, this exclusive journey offers you the chance to experience La Gomera’s stunning landscapes and serene beauty with all the comforts of a luxury vessel.
Overnight Yacht Stay La Gomera
Enjoy a magical overnight yacht stay in La Gomera with our Superphantom 80, a 24.38-meter superyacht featuring a spacious kitchen and elegant accommodations. Whether anchored under the stars or exploring the quaint streets of La Gomera, this yacht ensures a blend of adventure and serenity.
Private La Gomera Yacht Excursions from Tenerife
Our private yacht charter to La Gomera offers a personalized and exclusive sailing experience. Depart from Tenerife and return the next day at 5:00 PM, with plenty of time to explore the island’s charming locales or relax onboard with unparalleled luxury.
Indulge in High-End Yacht Tours to La Gomera
Choose Club Canary for your high-end yacht tours in La Gomera. Our Superphantom 80 is available from November to April, featuring sophisticated amenities for the ultimate sea voyage. Outside these months, we offer another stunning yacht, equipped for comfort, though with a smaller kitchen setup, perfect for those who wish to dine ashore, savoring local cuisine.
Seamless Yacht Vacations from Tenerife to La Gomera
Plan your perfect yacht vacation from Tenerife to La Gomera with Club Canary, the leading provider of luxury experiences in the Canary Islands. We not only offer yacht charters but also prenájom luxusných vozidiel a služby súkromného lietadla, ensuring your luxury getaway is second to none.
Connect With Club Canary for an Exclusive La Gomera Experience
For any inquiries or special requests regarding your luxury yacht charter, feel free to contact Club Canary. Whether it’s customizing your trip itinerary or arranging exclusive on-land experiences, our team is dedicated to making your La Gomera adventure truly exceptional.